From Adriano Manocchia’s Studio: A Hike and a Fishing Trip
What a glorious Fall we are having!!!! Finally, after a strange Spring and Summer seasons that precluded a lot of my favorite outdoor activities and research trips for my future paintings, here comes Fall with its rich colors, mild temperatures and day after day of incredible weather. And not a minute too late… I was already well into panic mode when I went over the meager reference material I had been able to accumulate in the last few months. Certainly not enough to keep me busy for a long Winter at the easel. It became imperative to organize some outings in order to explore the beauty of the Fall in the Adirondacks. And explore we did up and down trails, some steep, some winding and long, but always spectacular. My wife and I covered several miles of Adirondack wilderness in the last few weeks, and at times we even convinced some unfortunate friends to come along on our outings and share our “fun”. Mmmm… I wonder why they haven’t called us since…
Setting Sun was inspired by one of these walks late in the day, as the sun was disappearing behind the mountains. With the shadows growing deeper in the undergrowth, the last rays of the setting sun became more vibrant and intense. This oil on panel measures 9″x12″ and comes framed in a custom made gold frame.
When not hiking in the mountains, my “explorer” friend and I continued our quest to find the best fishing and paintings’ inspiring spots. We had already found several places that showed potential, however just to make sure, we thought it a good idea to continue the “search”. We wouldn’t want to miss that one exceptional piece of fishing paradise or breathtaking view, now, would we? Fish On was one of those happy coincidences when the fishing was good and the visual appeal even better. Definitely a good candidate to add to our ever growing list. This oil on panel measures 11″x14″ and it also comes framed in a custom made gold frame.
Remember that the Holidays are closer than ever. Time to think of gift giving and…receiving. Have you written your wish list yet? Both paintings can also be viewed at along with other available art. If you have any questions or would like to acquire artwork feel free to contact Teresa at 518-677-5857 or by e-mail at
I hope to meet you hiking into the wilderness of our great parks one day.

oil on panel
image size 9″x12″
Framed in custom made frame
Retail price $450.00 (Plus Shipping)
These and other available paintings can be viewed by visiting the following page on my website